Communication Server - Technical Manual
MiVoice Office 400 Wizard

An SMDR call logging connection is the only currently support method of integration with the MiVoice Office 400 system.

Follow the steps below to enable the SMDR configuration between the Xarios Call Recorder and the telephone system.

Call Logging Configuration

Call logging needs to be enabled on the MiVO 400 controller. This will mean that after every call made, the telephone system will connect to the call recorder to supply SMDR call information.

To enable Call Logging, browse to the MiVoice Office 400 administration web interface and enable 'Expert Mode'.

Navigate to the 'Charges -> General' section from the settings tree.


Locate the 'Call Logging' section and enable the following settings:

Press the 'Apply' button at the top of the screen to save the settings.


User & Call Distribution Groups

In the previous section, the MIVO 400 was configured to send the call recorder SMDR call information. By default, it will only do this for outgoing calls. Follow the steps below to ensure that call data is provided for all users and for incoming calls.

Navigate to the 'Configuration -> Users -> User List' section.

Click on each user in turn and check that the 'Journal' option is enabled. This setting can be found within the 'Other Settings -> Charging' section and is enabled by default.

Once all users have been checked, navigate to the 'Configuration -> Routing -> List View -> Call distribution' section.

Click on each call distribution rule in turn and check that the 'Enable ICL data' is checked. This can be found in the 'Settings -> Call logging and call limitation' section.


The call logging configuration is now complete. The process above can be repeated on each controller if there is more than one controller in the cluster.


Troubleshooting SMDR Connections

If the SMDR connection does not seem to be working correctly (the recorder is working but calls are not being tagged correctly), follow the steps below to identify the issue.

Check the XCS SMDR Service

Check these services to ensure that the XCS SMDR Service is running.

Check Firewall Access

If there are any firewalls installed, check that port 1080 has been opened for incoming connections.

Check the IP Address

If the IP address of the call recorder has been entered into the Call Logging configuration on the MiVoice Office 400, check that the call recorder's IP address is static and has not changed.

Check using Wireshark

If all the configuration seems correct, use Wireshark to monitor traffic on port 1080 to see whether the MiVoice Office 400 is pushing the SMDR data to the call recorder. If it is, the problem will either be a firewall or the XCS SMDR Service not running. If it is not, the Call Logging/Journal configuration on the MiVoice Office 400 will be incorrect.