Communication Server - Technical Manual
Network Configuration

Network Configuration

The servers require a 100MB/1GB LAN connection that has access to the network where the telephone system is located and to the users who will require search and playback access. If the server is installed into a Microsoft Active Directory environment then it can be added to the domain and this should be done before the server is made operational by the customers IT administrator.

Custom Active Directory Group Policies can adversely affect the system and they should be tested before going live.

To enable users to easily access the server with the website role a valid DNS entry should be created that can then be used when browsing to the site, for example: http://communicationserver.

The following firewall ports need to be allowed into the system. Depending on the features and system configuration some of these may not be required.

Application Name Direction Port
Website access HTTP Inbound TCP 80
Secure website access HTTPS/SSL Inbound TCP 443
FTP FTP Inbound TCP 20/21
LogMeIn HTTP & HTTP/SSL Outbound TCP 80 & TCP 443
SQL Server SQL Server Inbound/Outbound TCP 1433
Communication Gateway XCG Inbound TCP 8088
Application Server App Server Inbound TCP 8087 & TCP 8086
Communication Server (see note below) WCF Inbound/Outbound TCP 8089
See the PBX manufacturers engineering guidelines for more detailed information.
Mitel OAI OAI Outbound TCP 4000
Mitel MiTAI MiTAI Outbound TCP 8000 & TCP 8001
Mitel SRC SRC Inbound IP 49152 - 65535
Mitel SRC Connection to MBG Outbound TCP 6810
Mitel SRC Voice streams from MBG Inbound UDP 30000-40000
Mitel SMDR Call Logging from MiVoice Office 400 Inbound TCP 1080
To network 2 recorders add 8089 WCF port to the Firewall rules after installation