Communication Server - Technical Manual
Add & Edit Score Sheet Section
Features > Call Scoring > Score Sheets > Add & Edit Score Sheet Section


For each score sheet there must be at least one section that questions are assigned to. Sections allows questions with a common theme to be grouped together on the score sheet so that when the supervisor is scoring a call they can answer similar questions together.

Sections are specific to a score sheet


To add a new score sheet section:

  1. Open the score sheet from the Features -> Call Scoring  -> Score Sheets section.
  2. Click New Section.
    • Name: Enter the name for this section.
      Sections are automatically ordered alphabetically. To use a custom ordering the section names will need to be prefixed with a relevant value, i.e. S1, S2, S3 etc.
  3. Click Save.
Sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the section heading.
See Also