Workflow allows Tasks to be auto generated for Users on the system on a pre-determined scheduled or manual basis. Filters are used to select the appropriate calls to include and different types of Task can be generated, including call reviews and call scoring.
For example if a supervisor is required to review 5% of an agents calls per day, a Workflow can be created that will create a new Call Review Task that adds this to their Task list. This can be scheduled to run every day overnight so that when the supervisor logs into the system in the morning they are presented with the recordings they need to listen to.
This provides the following benefits:
- Removes the need to have to manually generate a list of recordings to process. This saves time as no manual intervention is required to have to find the recordings and then pass these on to the relevant supervisor.
- Increases accuracy as a random selection is generated each time so a more representative sample is produced.
- Ensures the allocation of recordings is met as this can be actively monitored.
To configure a workflow:
- Access the Features -> Workflow configuration section.
- From here you can see the currently configured workflows and have several actions available.
- The workflow can be set to run now by clicking on
and this will process the workflow and add any new matching recordings.
- The workflow can be cleared by clicking on
and this will remove all items from the workflow.
- The Delete action
will delete all items from the workflow and the actual workflow itself and
enables the workflow settings to be updated.
- When a workflow is running there is a progress indicator that displays the current progress. The number of items within the workflow and how many recordings are outstanding is also displayed.
When using workflows in a multi site environment only calls from the same site as the workflow is configured can be assigned.
- To create a new workflow see the Creating Workflows section for details.
See Also