Communication Server - Technical Manual
DTMF Pause & Resume
Features > Compliance > Pause / Resume > DTMF Pause & Resume


The system can be configured to pause the recording of a call when a sequence of DTMF digits is entered by the user on the telephone handset. A second sequence can then be entered to resume recording. This can be useful for compliance purposes if your staff are taking credit card payments for example. 

Licensing: This requires Compliance Licenses

The recommended approach is to use a combination of tones, for example *123, as this will reduce the chance of this being activated when navigating though systems that require DTMF tone input.

If SIP trunks are being used then ensure they are configured for Out-band DTMF

DTMF Configuration

SIP trunks have 2 options for how DTMF tones are transmitted.:

  1. Out-band: DTMF digits are transmitted separately from the from the actual voice using RFC-2833.
  2. In-band: DTMF digits are transmitted in the voice as actual tones, this is how they are sent over digital trunk lines.

We only support Option 1. Out-band DTMF on SIP trunks


To configure the pause and resume DTMF feature:

  1. Access the Features -> Pause / Resume -> DTMF Pause & Resume configuration section.
  2. Enter the sequence of digits to use for pausing a call in the Pause DTMF section.
  3. Enter the sequence of digits to use to resume recording a call in the Resume DTMF section.
See Also
