Communication Server - Technical Manual
Packet Filters
Configuration > Servers Settings > Recording > Recording Sources > IP Recording > Packet Filters

When using port mirroring for SIP/RTP recording, the system needs to know the range of UDP ports that the RTP traffic will be using for voice.

In addition, if it is SIP traffic that is being recorded, the system will need to know on which port the SIP traffic can be found.

For any SIP based recording, just the SIP port is required. The RTP ports will be automatically tracked by interpreting the SIP traffic.

Depending on the PBX, the range of ports will be different. There are some pre-configured ranges provided that the administrator can select depending on the PBX that the devices are connected to.

If the ranges are not contained with the preset or the PBX's defaults have been altered, manual ranges can be configured.


To configure the port ranges:

  1. Access the Servers Settings -> SERVERNAME -> Recording -> Recording Sources -> SIP/IP RTP ->  Packet Filters configuration section.
  2. From the preset list select the required entry from the list.
  3. Click on Load preset to populate the range list.
  4. Modify the list of ranges as required.
  5. Modify the SIP port if required.
  6. Click on Save.